Probably the single greatest enhancement to be added to Photoshop in decades. Truly a game changer. Start adding it to your workflow if you haven't already.
In this lecture explore how a shift in marketing has morphed the way we think about products as consumers. Modern marketing is more about perception of a product than its functional use.
In this lecture I cover all of the complexities associated with attempting to match color accurately when working as a graphic designer. I discuss CMYK, RGB, and Pantone systems of color specifically, and how each can fail in unique ways, and how to explain to a client when matching between modes and devices falls short.
In this lecture I cover the key differences as well as pros and cons for the primary methods of printing today. In addition, this lecture covers what commonalities there are across the different printing methods, and how those commonalities play out between both digital and traditional imaging.
In this lecture I cover the history of prepress, and some basic developments in printing technology as a corollary to modern times with the explosion of online content. I cover how the career of a graphic designer is changing rapidly and as a result continues to grow an absorb new responsibilities.
A time-lapse on a piece of art with my kiddos looking stoic and over-important. Made it for my wife for Mother's Day to replace an old piece we had hanging up in the basement.
This is the complete creation of my Olga The Ogre character, from modeling, to rigging and skinning.
This is the creation of my Darwin The Dragon character from start to finish (modeling, rigging, and skinning). Darwin will be used as part of a different side project I'm working on. The recorder got overloaded a couple times when I was making this, so if the quality biffs or pauses for a couple seconds, it does come back. This was my first time rigging and skinning.
This is the complete creation of my Archie The Arcade character, from modeling, to rigging and skinning.