Fictionalhead Creative
Design. Education. Music.

Some projects are a complete rebrand, requiring thousands of assets. Other times it's a single file needed for a quick-turnaround. The fact is every project is unique, and should be treated as such.

My Work My Services
Graphic Design
The Key To Success
I'm an objective-lead designer with a passion for understanding how things work. I believe any target can be hit successfully; you just need to know where you're aiming.
A thousand words.

The processes and software involved vary, but the output is always stunning — if it's visual, I've produced it.

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Always be learning something new.

A growth-mindset is necessary in our field. I try to provide both quick tips for the day-to-day, and long-form lectures for a deeper approach to design.

Explore Instruction
You name it, we'll make it.

Complex project? Take a look through some of the services I've provided to others to get an idea of some of the things we could make together.

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Why Me?
I make problem-solving your project fun.
Unique approach.

I'm a very analytical designer who likes to get to the bottom of your need. The result? A design which doesn't just feel like a 'creative' solution, but rather a 'correct' solution.

Agency quality, freelance price.

I've worked with some of the largest companies in the world, and local mom-and-pop shops. I aim to provide big-budget results for a freelance prices.

One-stop shop.

From start to finish, I'll execute your vision. Whether that's digital, print, environmental, or some mix of everything — we'll get it made.

20+ years experience.

I've been doing this a while, for companies big and small — I've refined my process down to just the stuff that matters.

Some Companies I've Worked With
Canopy Health
Wayne State University
Old Orchard
Recent Featured Work
On a personal note

Designer, problem-solver, digital blacksmith.

I'm Dan Meyer, a guy with an over-developed desire to create things — not only if it involves a computer. If I'm not in front of a computer making new creations, I'm probably building a cabin in our woods, DIY'ing with my wife Elise, or losing my 900th game of Yahtzee to my boys Miles & Iver.

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Latest Blogs
Family life & upcoming projects.
Cabin In the Woods

I decided to see if I could build a house from scratch by myself during COVID. We all had our projects...

Curse Lightning Suitcase
The Curse of the Lightning Suitcase

My kids wanted to create a more elaborate tale than their previous videos, so we set out to make a trilogy about a cursed suitcase. This is part 1.

A Little Goat Adventure

We got 3 little goats, Stu, Andy, & Tony... and a couple DIY home projects at the same time.

Back patio Area Update (Fence)

I tore out a ton of invasive raspberries and decided to put in a fence with some chicken wire on it to hold back the remaining vegetation. Took about 5 days total to tackle it all.

Ready to start a project?
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