Probably the single greatest enhancement to be added to Photoshop in decades. Truly a game changer. Start adding it to your workflow if you haven't already.
In this lecture I cover all of the complexities associated with attempting to match color accurately when working as a graphic designer. I discuss CMYK, RGB, and Pantone systems of color specifically, and how each can fail in unique ways, and how to explain to a client when matching between modes and devices falls short.
In this episode, I cover the concept of how black and white control almost all photo edits you make in Photoshop, and how to make the most of that knowledge.
In this episode, I cover the concept of when to use levels and curves when editing the lighting in an image, and how to use existing light data to make more accurate adjustments.
In this tutorial I cover how to use layer masks to up the realism in your fake shadows.
In this tutorial I cover how to use the puppet warp effect to make more convincing shadows on your assets.
In this tutorial I cover how rim lighting can throw off your compositing efforts, and how to correct it.
In this tutorial I cover how to use adjustment layers to make fake photography infinity walls for hero product shots.
In this tutorial I cover how to use a multiplied layer to retain some intricate parts of a photo such as hair when clipping out an object.